Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rose Labrynth by Titania Hardie

Couldn't get into this one....

I started the book with great expectations since the plot summary sounded quite intriguing and right up my alley. However, I couldn't get into it and found it somewhat convoluted from the get-go. I really wanted to love it and give it a chance but never got interested enough to pick it up and had to put it down, mostly unread. While I can't provide a full review after having completed the book, I can say that a book with this type of plot should have had me hooked or at least interested in the first chapter, or within the first 50 or so pages. This book was just too all over the place and not exciting enough or cohesive enough at the begining to warrant continued effort on my part to get into it. Thus, I would recommend skipping this one.