Mixed feeling about this one...
As a thirty year old who lived in Manhattan during my twenties (and still lives nearby), I know so many people who fit the profiles of the characters in the novel, so for me, their lifestyles, self-importance, and overprivileged aimlessness was nothing out of the ordinary and quite relatable (unfortunately). However, I could see how readers from other parts of the country may be unable to relate to the main characters and their experiences.
I loved the author's style of writing and found the book entertaining and interesting. I would compare it to "The Secret History" and "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" due to similarities in the characters' circumstances (wealthy, overprivilegd youth), yet would not give it as high a rating as either novel.
I have a very hard time recommending this to a general audience, however, I would definitely recommend it to those living in NYC and/or in their late twenties/early thirties, for relatability reasons.