Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is the What by Dave Eggers

Should be required reading...

This stunningly heartbreaking memoir (in the guise of a novel) should be required reading for all ages and people throughout the world. It teaches of suffering, love, loss, humanity, hunger, war, poverty, religious/ethnic stuggles and hope.

If Valentino Achak Deng's story doesn't motivate you to take some sort of action - from passing along this book to others so they can learn the truth, to philanthopic endeavors on any scale, to lobbying for aid for refugees or victims anywhere in the world - I can't imagine what will.
It is so moving and at times gut-wrenching and tear-inspiring, that it simply leaves you with the desire to "do something."

I admit I did not know much about the Sudan prior to reading Eggers' book. Apart from tidbits about the current situation in Darfur, I was stunningly ignorant of the country's history and atrocities that occurred there. "What Is The What" was extremely educational and inspired me to learn more about the land that has undergone such turmoil, violence and conflict, which unfortunately doesn't seem to change as the decades roll by. Thankfully for this Dave Eggers and Valentino Achak Deng, the stories of the people/victims will be told and others, like myself will hopefully feel compelled to do something about it- no matter how small. I can not recommend this novel highly enough - there should be no doubt whatsoever about whether or not to purchase it- it will change your life!